Sunday, January 19, 2014


Clever bot is a bot that know everything if you ask him 100x 600 he will know it. Clever bot is a maths bot he know everything about maths  my robot is called clever bot he is 80 cm  he has got silver spikey hair and orange eyes. I am 21 i have two children. I saw a big metal thing i thought i must be seeing things.But it was real it was a robot.And i could not belive my eyes. I went a little  closer and  i saw  a robot. I was  scared ''Help me'' i said but then he said ''Hello how are you'' then I said ''Good thank you'' and we chatterd for half hour  he said  ''Do you want  to come to my house'' i said ''Ok  see you at 8 pm  tonight''  he  said
''See you there''   '' Bye I have to go now''. so i did housework and feed my children and i hopped into my jeep threen thousand . i drove along and i got there and he had set oil for our drinks. and nuts and srews for dinner.  just as well I brought  fish and  chips and i got some beer and a bottle of wine! we talked and talked and he turned off and Itook him in my car and went to  sleep. i hopped into my jeep three thousend and took  the robot and went home and went to sleep. The next day my robot was not there and i turned on the t.v  channle  one and i saw him destroing everything.So i ran like crazy down the road up the hill. I neededsome water. But i had no tiome to stop i keot running the finally Igot there.I felt scared and worried finally Icaught him and swiched him off and i never turned it back on again.

                             THE END

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